硅谷权威媒体 The Information “全球最具潜力50初创企业榜单”迁移科技入选

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硅谷权威媒体 The Information “全球最具潜力50初创企业榜单”迁移科技入选

10月17日,硅谷科技媒体The Information评选的2023年度全球50家最具发展潜力初创企业榜单(The Information's List of the 50 Most Promising Startups,简称TI 50)新鲜出炉,迁移科技作为全球唯一一家机器视觉公司入选,同时入选榜单的还有Midjourney、Vannevar Labs、Mach Industries等在投资市场炙手可热的公司。

The Information是硅谷最有影响力的科技媒体之一,以“独家”“深度”著称。TI 50作为The Information年底压轴的重磅榜单,其根据企业现状、商业模式以及发展前景,收集此前未公开披露的商业和财务信息,旨在全球范围内评选出“全球最有潜力的50家新锐公司”,是全球最有影响力的初创企业风向标之一。


The Information selected 50 companies that have the potential to be the most valuable businesses in their categories based on their current revenue, business model, and growth prospects. To build the list, our reporters consulted industry sources and gathered previously undisclosed financial information.


The Information将榜单限定为在过去三年内筹集的风险资本不足1亿美元或刚起步的公司,并排除了那些已经是“独角兽”,或者市值已经超过10亿美元的公司。Airbnb、Uber、SpaceX、Stripe、Bytedance等知名企业都曾经入选TI 50。


We limited the list to startups that had raised less than $100 million in funding or began operations within the last two years. Airbnb, Uber, SpaceX, Stripe, and Bytedance have all made the list.

The Information选择Transfer Technology(迁移科技)上榜的理由是 :

Why it made the list






"As China's population ages, several industrial robot makers are trying to address worsening labor shortages. Transfer Technology develops cameras and computer-vision software that enable robots to recognize and distinguish objects. Its cameras are compatible with most major global robotic arm makers' products. The startup, whose revenue nearly tripled last year, says revenue this year is on track to more than double. Currently, the company's business is mostly in China, but it is laying the groundwork for international expansion through partnerships with robotic arm makers in Japan and South Korea and is also working on projects in Europe."

——The Information


迁移科技创始人&CEO樊钰表示,作为全球唯一一家机器视觉公司入选TI 50创业公司榜单倍感荣幸,这不仅是对迁移科技技术创新实力、产品服务、组织能力和未来发展等全方位的肯定,更是对3D视觉技术和产品为客户创造价值的认可。作为一家3D视觉赛道的创业公司,我们将继续坚持以客户为中心,追求“打造工业消费品”的理念,以易用性促进产品规模化落地,并以“高质量交付”为导向,用3D视觉技术为全球工业制造智能化贡献我们独特的技术价值。

硅谷权威媒体 The Information “全球最具潜力50初创企业榜单”迁移科技入选

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